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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

Year 4



Welcome to Year 4!




Welcome to our Year 4 Web Page


We hope that you have had a fantastic Summer break!


Mrs Story (4S) and Mr Ash (4A) will be supported by Miss White. On Tuesday afternoons, when the teachers have their planning time, both classes will been enjoying PE with Mr English and also computing sessions with Miss White.



Wednesday 11th Meet the Teacher (in 4S)

Friday 18th October – Break up for half-term

Monday 4th November - INSET DAY

Friday 8th November – first week out of 6 for ice skating, finishing Friday 13th December.

November Parents’ Evenings – Dates to be confirmed



PE will  be on Tuesday afternoons with Mr English. Please send your child to school in their PE kit.  As it is cold and the children will be outside, please ensure your child wears appropriate warm clothing. Earrings are not allowed during PE lessons. Please ensure that your child removes earrings before coming to school on their PE day and long hair must be tied back. Please purchase a blue PE t-shirt at the office if you haven't already.



Please continue to check your child’s planner regularly, so that you can see what they should be doing and sign it to acknowledge that you have read it. You can also record any home reading there and sign for the Read to Succeed school challenge. Children will have their spellings in their planners every Monday. 


The children are given their homework on a Friday and it is due the following Thursday. The homework typically alternates between Maths and Topic/English. Sometimes the homework is to be completed online e.g. Mathletics, or Times Tables Rockstars – the children’s logins are at the front of their planners. Even if not assigned, please can you continue to support your child with reading, spellings on Spelling Shed and times tables on Times Tables Rockstars.


What we’ll be learning about

In maths this term, we will be focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, length and perimeter and multiplication and division. In English and History, we will be learning about ‘Invasions’, which covers the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. In Science, we will be investigating and learning about food, the digestive system, and sound. You can find more information and our ‘Knowledge Organisers’ on the Year 4 webpage.


Throughout the year, we will keep these pages updated so you can see what we are learning about in school. 


Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024

A Guide to the New Curriculum in Year 4

Welcome to Carnarvon Primary School's website. Information about events taking place can be found on the calendar under 'Parents' tab. Thank you.