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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

Year 4



Welcome to Year 4!




Welcome to our Year 4

Web Page

Here is what we'll be learning about during the Spring term:


  • Our main topic is a Geography topic entitled 'Misty Mountain, Winding River'. Here, we will be learning about rivers, erosion, transportation, and deposition. We will also learn about world rivers, aerial images, mountains, compass points, the water cycle and soil.
  • In Maths, we will be learning about the following topics: Multiplication and Division,  Area and Fractions and Decimals.
  • We are continuing to practise our times tables too. The children will be sitting the National Year 4 Multiplication Table check in June - we will send some further information out about this closer to the time (the children have already had a couple of practice goes at it and are doing really well).
  • In Science, our topic is States of Matter. The children will learn about solids, liquids and gases and their characteristic properties.
  • We will be continue to have PE on Tuesdays so please come into school with your PE kit on this day. 
  • We are looking forward to our PGL Caythorpe residential on the 6th and 7th May!



Throughout the year, we will keep these pages updated so you can see what we are learning about in school. 


Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2024

A Guide to the New Curriculum in Year 4

Welcome to Carnarvon Primary School's website. Any information about events taking place can be found on the calendar under 'Parents' tab. Thank you.