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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

MC Grammar

The Noun Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about nouns. Learn the lyrics and raps to discover the difference between common nouns, proper nouns and pronouns.

The Adjective Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about adjectives. This rhymes and raps in this song will teach you how important this part of speech is, how adjectives modify nouns, why they are important, and how to remember them.

The Verb Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

The Determiners Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about different types of determiners: quantifiers, demonstratives, articles and possessives.

The Adverb Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about adverbs. The lyrics and rhymes will help you to learn more about how important this part of speech is, how adverbs influence and affect a verb, why they are important, and how to remember them.

The Sentences Type Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about different types of sentences: an exclamatory sentence, a question, a statement and a command.

The Apostrophe Song | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about apostrophes. You will also discover the difference between possession and omission; how to create contractions (contracted / shortened words); and how to use an apostrophe to show when someone or something belongs to someone or something.

The Inverted Commas Song | Learn through music & rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about inverted commas. You will also discover the difference between direct and indirect speech, and lots of top tips when it comes to punctuating direct speech.

The FANBOYS Song | Learn about coordinating conjunctions through music and rap with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about coordinating conjunctions aka 'The Fanboys'. Enjoy fast-moving, bouncy rhymes and the catchy melody! By learning and rapping this song you will always remember the names of the seven FANBOYS, how they work with words and phrases, and how they help to create compound sentences.

The Comma for Lists Song | Rap and Learn with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about commas, and how to use them in a list. This song breaks down the process for you and provides you with some great examples and a ton of fun and cool dance moves.

English Lesson: Subordinating Conjunctions for Kids | Learn through music and rap with MC Grammar

In this fresh and fun home-schooling lesson you will learn all about subordinating conjunctions. Learn the song first to equip yourself with a great and easy mnemonic to remember eight subordinating conjunctions, then it's time to create your own clauses.

The Subordinating Conjunction Song | Rap and learn with MC Grammar

Play this song and rap along to learn all about subordinating conjunctions, subordinate/dependent clauses and complex sentences. This song breaks down the process for you and provides you with a great mnemonic to remember eight subordinating conjunctions.

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