Name | Type Of Governor | Relationship to Staff/Pupil | Relevant work interest | Term in office | End of Term | Attendance at meetings for the last Academic Year |
Andrew Board | Staff Headteacher | None | Education, Headteacher | 06/01/2020 | 4/4 | |
Jenny Anderson | Co-opted | None | Education, Deputy Headteacher | 01/01/2023 | 31/12/2026 | 6/6 |
Heidi Archer | Chair of Governors Co-opted | Parent of one current pupil and one former pupil | An NHS GP registrar currently, with a special interest in health, especially obesity and exercise. | 24/10/2022 | 23/10/2026 | 9/9 |
Ashley Marriott | Staff | None | Education, KS2 Teacher | 20/05/2020 | 19/05/2024 | N/A |
Peter Broekhuizen | Local Authority | None | RAF Lecturer and Training Consultant | 22/09/2017 | 01/04/2024 | 6/6 |
Claire Byrne | Associate Member | Parent of two former pupils | Training, Compliance, Legal | 10/12/2021 | 09/12/2025 | N/A |
Sally Edmonds | Vice-Chair Co-opted | Parent of two former pupils | Education-Primary Teacher | 10/12/2017 | 09/12/2025 | 6/6 |
Dave Gandee | Co-opted | Parent of three former pupils | Partner at PWC. Finance/Business | 10/02/2023 | 10/02/2027 | 6/6 |
Dr Nitin Seetohul | Elected Parent | Parent of one current pupil | Education-University Lecturer | 08/02/2023 | 07/02/2027 | 6/6 |
Charmaine Johnson | Co-opted | Parent of one current pupil and one former pupil | Education-Secondary Teacher | 18/10/2021 | 17/10/2025 | 6/6 |
Amanda McRobie | Co-opted | Parent of three former pupils | Supply Teacher-Primary School | 01/01/2023 | 31/12/2026 | 6/6 |
Marc Schinagl | Co-opted | Parent of three former pupils | Engineering-General Manager | 01/01/2023 | 31/12/2026 | 6/6 |
Helen Weston | Co-opted | Parent of one former pupil | Education - School Business Manager | 16/03/2022 | 16/03/2026 | N/A |
Renae Cooke | Elected Parent | Parent of two current pupils | Business owner | 04/02/2022 | 04/02/2026 | N/A |
Louise Neve | Elected Parent | Parent of one current and one former pupil | Education - Primary Teacher | 04/02/2022 | 04/02/2026 | N/A |
Rachel Lloyd-Richards | Elected Parent | Parent of two current pupils | Business Management | 04/02/2022 | 04/02/2026 | N/A |
Anneke Bremner | Elected Parent | Parent of one current pupil | Awaiting information | 04/02/2022 | 04/02/2026 | N/A |
Ria Bailey | Staff | Parent of one former and one current pupil | Education | 01/05/2024 | 30/04/2027 | N/A |
As well as the main Governing Body meeting once per term, the Governing Body has formed two sub-committees:
Personnel, Finance and General Purposes
Pupils and Strategic Development (also the Discipline Committee)
These sub-committees meet at least once a term.
The Minutes of full Governing Body meetings are on display in the school entrance area and the Minutes of all sub-committee meetings are available from the school office.