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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

School Council

Welcome to the latest news from our School Councillors who are elected in years 4, 5 and 6.


On Wednesday, our School Councillors attended a service at Bingham Cemetery to commemorate Remembrance Day.  The Royal British Legion invited the School Council to go and lay crosses with poppies on the war graves of soldiers who died at war and lived locally.  It was very informative and the children were lucky to hear stories about the soldiers’ lives as they placed their crosses.



Ethan and Celeste, who are part of our School Council team from Year 6, represented Carnarvon at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance’s Pupil Parliament.  The Pupil Parliament consists of two children from 31 schools who meet at County Hall in West Bridgford each term.  

During the afternoon, the children enjoyed introductions and a talk, including the role of Parliament and the monarchy, presented by Jesse Gray Primary School.  After, the children enjoyed a debate about the need for mobile phones in schools, which was very interesting and allowed the children plenty of opportunity to air their views! The children enjoyed a chance to meet fellow councillors during a snack break where they received their Pupil Parliament badges.  The Pupil Parliament will meet again next term.




Thank you to everyone who came to our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon on Friday.  It was lovely to see you all.  We raised £130.00 for the charity.

Well done to our new School Councillors who welcomed the parents and carers and served them hot drinks and yummy treats.

Finally, thank you to everyone who donated cakes and biscuits for the event.

The School Councillors were elected by their classes and will be representing their peers and meeting to share ideas about how we can improve our school.  They are:

Year 4

4S Emmie

4A Matilda

Year 5

5L Llewelyn  and Imogen

5T Ava

Year 6

6H Celeste and Josh

6C Ethan and Adam

Well done to you all.


Last Friday, Peggy and Adam, who are actually Year 5 School Councillors, were able to cover for our Year 6’s who were at Duke’s Barn and unable to attend this Pupil Parliament final event at County Hall, Nottingham.  Mrs Story was extremely proud of them both, as the experience, initially, can be quite daunting.  
After introductions, the speaker discussed what voting was and how the process worked in parliament.  He also introduced Sam Oldham, Olympic gymnastics bronze medallist, who then talked about his extensive career and how he work-hard, from the age of 7, to achieve his Olympic dream!  After this, he took time to show the children some gymnastic moves. 
So, the children took a vote to decide what to debate.  The result was - ‘Should the Government be able to start a war without the consent of the people?’  The discussion was very open and our children, at Carnarvon, explained that they were definitely not in favour of this occurring….ever!  
All in all, a very interesting and informative afternoon was had by all. 






On Wednesday, our School Councillors attended a service at Bingham Cemetery to commemorate Remembrance Day.  The Royal British Legion invited the School Council to go and lay crosses with poppies on the war graves of soldiers who died at war and lived locally.  It was very informative and the children were lucky to hear stories about the soldiers’ lives as they placed their crosses.



Charlotte and William, who are part of our School Council team from Year 6, represented Carnarvon at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance’s Pupil Parliament.  The Pupil Parliament consists of two children from each of the 31 schools who meet at County Hall in West Bridgford each term.  

During the afternoon, the children enjoyed introductions and a talk, including the role of Parliament and the monarchy, before a debate about the best way to eat a Kit-Kat!!  This was followed by ‘Should the England ladies’ team be paid the same as the men?’ which was very interesting and allowed the children plenty of opportunity to air their views!  The children enjoyed a chance to meet fellow councillors during a snack break where they received their Pupil Parliament badges.  We are now discussing suggestions for a speaker at the next meeting in February.




Thank you to everyone who came to our Reception Macmillan Coffee Afternoon on Tuesday.  It was lovely to see you all.  We raised £91.00 for the charity.

Well done to our School Councillors who welcomed the parents and carers in and served them hot drinks and yummy treats.


Last week the newly elected School Councillors had their first meeting.  These children will be representing their classes and meeting to share ideas about how we can improve our school. 

The first decision they had to make was to rename the old 6C and 3M classrooms.  These classrooms are now being used for small group work and music lessons amongst other things.  They chose the following names for these rooms: 

6C to be called ‘The Corner’

3M to be called ‘The Hub’


Pictured here are our newly elected School Councillors:







PUPIL PARLIAMENT – Friday 9th June 2023

Lucie, George and a very excitable Seren (She was very keen to find out about Parliament, so we took her with us!) returned to County Hall, Nottingham, to debate with other schools. After introductions, a teacher from Jesse Grey discussed what voting was and how the process worked in parliament – she’d recently spent time in London, in parliament and was promoting the possibility of having a ‘Parliament Week’ in schools.

So, the children took a vote to decide what to debate.  ‘Should schools have a four-day week?’ The discussion was very open and our children, at Carnarvon, explained that they were definitely in favour of a five-day week so their learning wouldn’t be affected, and that we should all be very grateful for the recent four-day weeks and see it as a celebration time. Many other schools disagreed and preferred a four-day week for various reasons!




Lucie and Seren spoke very eloquently about what we, at Carnarvon, have been doing in school to promote ‘Kids Against Plastic.’ They explained, to the room, that we had an assembly to upper school to highlight the problem, and also used school council time to write a letter to the CEO of Tesco, Mr Ken Murphy. I was very proud of them and hope for a reply very soon. The letter can be seen by clicking the link below.


To find out more about Kids Against Plastic, please visit:



Earlier this year, School Councillors asked that each class nominate two children to be their ‘Speak Out’ monitors, and so far, these monitors have been working really hard in their classes supporting the children with a wide variety of needs. You’ll be able to spot the children as they are very good at remembering to wear their badges with pride!  Often, just knowing that a monitor in their class can be neutral, not hold grudges, show empathy, speak kind words, or simply share a smile and a game is enough for them to enjoy the school day.

During our meetings, the school councillors have suggested that we have a termly disco in school – this coincides nicely with a current discussion with the PTA regarding school discos and means we should have lots of willing volunteers to help at these events.

The school council will be hosting the popcorn stall at the school fair on Friday June 30th – more to follow.

Mrs Story


Kids Against Plastic letter


Great news - School Councillors distributed badges for the school ‘Speak Out’ monitors and so we decided to take a picture to share how proud all the children were! I think we can all agree that our children will work hard to promote our school ethos of ‘Working Hard and Being Kind’ and continue to work alongside the NSPCC.  Often, just knowing that a monitor in their class can be neutral, not hold grudges, show empathy, speak kind words, or simply share a smile and a game is enough for them to enjoy the school day. 



On Tuesday, Lucie and George from Year 6 returned to County Hall, Nottingham, to debate with other schools – ‘Should people such as nurses, ambulance workers, doctors, teachers, railway workers, firefighters and post workers be allowed to go on strike?’.  The outcome was clear and the children agreed that it’s right to have the right to ask for more.

Later, the founders of Kids Against Plastic, Amy and Ella, talked to the children about their aim which is to help young people (and not so young people) to learn about environmental issues, such as plastic pollution and the Climate Crisis. During their talk, they explained that they became passionate about this subject when they were set a homework project six years ago at school; now they have set up their very own charity!  To find out more, visit:

Discussions and questions were answered throughout the afternoon and Carnarvon asked, ‘Could some plastic, single use, items e.g. cups become, by law, biodegradable and reusable? As the year progresses, we will be discussing, inspiring and investigating, with our councillors, ways that we, as a school, can help work with Kids Against Plastic and reduce our plastic ‘tat’ in school. More to follow very soon.




School Councillors asked that each class nominate two children to be their ‘Speak Out Monitors’ and they will be wearing their badges very soon.  Often just knowing that a Monitor in their class can be neutral, not hold grudges, show empathy, speak kind words or simply share a smile and a game is enough for them to enjoy the school day.



Lucie and George, who are part of our School Council team, from Year 6, represented Carnarvon at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance’s Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament consists of two children from 31 schools who meet at County Hall in West Bridgford each term. 

During the afternoon, the children enjoyed introductions and a talk including the role of Parliament and the Prime Minister. A debate followed with the title, ‘Which would make the better pet – Cats or dogs?’ – Dogs won. The children enjoyed a chance to meet fellow councillors during a snack break and then began debating whether school uniform should be compulsory or not. Yes, was the unanimous result!

The Pupil Parliament will meet again next term but, in the meantime, they have been asked to generate some questions to ask representatives from Kids Against Plastic during the meeting.

Pictured below are Lucie and George from Year 6.

Meet our new School Councillors 2022


Thank you to everyone who came to our Reception Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. It was lovely to see you all. We raised £38.40 for the charity.  Pictured above are our School Councillors who helped to organise the event.


This week the newly elected School Councillors had their first meeting. These children will be representing their classes and meeting to share ideas about how we can improve our school. Well done to you all.








            Meet our new School Councillors - 2021

Crisp Packet Collection for Foil Blankets - Summer 2021

Still image for this video
We are collecting foil crisp packets to help the homeless/people who are less fortunate than ourselves. Using the crisp packets, we will iron them together to make heat reflective blankets to help to keep people warm. There will be a bag in each classroom for children to put the crisp packets that they bring in. We will then collect these in and iron them together to turn them into blankets. After that, we will also recycle plastic from local shops to coat them to make them waterproof.

If you would like to have a go at making a blanket yourself, there is a video above to show you what to do (you will need an adult to help you). Here are some more instructions below:
1. Before putting them together, you need to wash the crisp packets with washing up liquid and warm water and then let them dry.
2. You need to make sure that you use greaseproof paper (like the video) and only hold the iron on for one second.
Please bring any ready made blankets into school and put them into your class’ bag.

You can also find out more information about how many crisp packets for each blanket you will need here:

We will then deliver the finished blankets to The Friary in West Bridgford who will be able to distribute the blankets to people in need.

Joining up your crisp packets for your crisp packet Bivi bag or survival sheet

Christmas Fair 2019


The School Council held a popcorn stall at the Christmas Fair at school!


Macmillan Coffee Afternoon - September 2019


Last Friday, the School Council organised a coffee and cake afternoon for parents of Foundation children in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. A fantastic £165.45 was raised. Big thanks to everyone who came along and to all those who donated cakes.  Also, many thanks to the School Council and Miss Cooke for organising the event.




Summer Fair



The School Council ran a popcorn stall at our annual Summer Fair! Thank you to everyone who bought some of our popcorn which was made by 3S.


Comic Relief

March 2019

A very big thank you for baking cakes and helping us raise money for Red Nose Day last Friday.  We were overwhelmed by the response and the very talented bakers we have in school.  All the cakes and biscuits were entered into the Carnarvon Bake-Off competition and it was a very tough decision for our councillors, but we are pleased to announce the following winners:  Eden from 3D and  Oscar from 1CS.  We also received donations for “wear something red” and are pleased to say in total, we raised a humungous £819.55!!   Our School Councillors are pictured below.

Ice Skating



The School Council, Eco Council and 'Fruity Friday' helpers were treated to an exciting morning at the ice rink at East Bridgford Garden Centre. The children had a fantastic time and showed some real talent!

The Rushcliffe Learning Alliance's Pupil Parliament


Two of our School Councillors, Bethany and Adam, from Year 6, have been elected as our representatives at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance's Pupil Parliament. During the first meeting, at County Hall in West Bridgford, each school was invited to share an idea which could be turned into a petition to gain 100,000 signature and be read out in Parliament. After a vote by over thirty schools across the borough, Bethany and Adam's idea to replant a tree when one is chopped down was chosen as the petition idea which the Pupil Parliament will be backing to get to Parliament. Well done to the two of you for your fabulous presentation!



Macmillan Coffee and Cake Afternoon


To welcome the families of our children in Foundation to the school, the School Council ran a 'Coffee and Cake Afternoon' to raise money for Macmillan. The event raised a fantastic £108! Thank you to everyone who came and donated cakes.


Congratulations to our new School Councillors


The following children were voted by their peers to be Carnarvon School Councillors for this year, they are: Nathan (2A), Leo (2M), Amelia (3S), Adam (3D), Wania (4CF), Alex (4A), Matthew (5Mc), Sophie (5C), Olivia (5Ma), Ryan and Freya (6M) and Bethany and Adam (6H).


They will be working with Miss Cooke to discuss ideas for fundraising and making a positive change around the school.

A further congratulations to Adam and Bethany (6H) for being voted by the School Councillors to represent Carnarvon at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance's Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament holds meetings three times a year at County Hall in West Bridgford, to discuss issues across the borough and identify how they can improve and support these issues.


All the School Councillors are pictured below:



Summer BBQ


The School Council held their own popcorn stall at the Summer BBQ and took it in turns to sell their goods. It all sold out!


Upper KS2 Disco


The School Council planned and organised a disco for Years 3, 4 and 5 to raise money for a bench for our lovely dinner lady, Mrs Severn. The theme was 'the last 50 years' as we are celebrating our school's 50th birthday this year!



Pupil Parliament

May 2018


Toby and Jacob from Year 6 went to County Hall to meet up with the other children from the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance's Pupil Parliament. They discussed the leisure facilities that are available in Rushcliffe and what can be done to improve them.




Christmas Fair 2017


The School Council ran their own popcorn stall at the Christmas Fair this year. The money raised from the fair is going towards a new play area for the KS1 children. Thank you for all of your support!

Remembrance Day

The School Council visited the local cemetery to commemorate Remembrance Day. They were invited by the British Legion and laid crosses on the graves of some World War One soldiers. 

Pupil Parliament


Ruby and Jacob from Year 6 represented Carnarvon at the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance's Pupil Parliament. The Pupil Parliament consists of two children from 31 schools and they meet at County Hall in West Bridgford each term. The issues which were raised at the meeting in the Autumn Term involved discussing ways which Rushcliffe Borough can be improved. The Pupil Parliament will then discuss their ideas at the next meeting in February with some Local Councillors.




Coffee Afternoon



The School Council organised a coffee and cake afternoon for parents of Foundation children in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We also held a cake sale after school for all parents. A fantastic £115.50 was raised in total. Big thanks to everyone who came along and also to everyone who donated cakes. Half the money will be sent to Macmillan and the other half is going towards the cost of a bench in memory of Mrs Carol Severn, our late Senior Midday Supervisor, who passed away earlier this year after a battle with cancer. If anyone would like to make a further donation towards the bench, you can do so at the school office.

London Trip



Some children from Years 2-6 visited London. They had a fantastic time looking around the Houses of Parliament, including going into the House of Lords. They learned all about the history of Parliament at Parliament's Education Centre too. After the tour, they met with our MP, Robert Jenrick, who answered lots of questions and took them on to the terrace by the River Thames! In the afternoon, they travelled to the British Museum and looked around the Roman and Pre-historic Britain rooms. The children were a credit to the school - a lady even approached us during the tour of Parliament to say how impressed she was with their behaviour! A fascinating and unique day was had by all.

Houses of Parliament Visit


Spencer and Phoebe in Year 6 had a great time in London visiting the Houses of Parliament. They were accompanied by Miss Cooke and children from 27 other schools from within the Rushcliffe area. The children had the opportunity to look around the Houses of Parliament, take part in a 'debating workshop' at Parliament's Education Centre and also enjoyed a walk to St James' Park. Both children were a credit to Carnarvon and their knowledge about politics was particularly impressive!


Defibrillator Fundraising!


During the Summer Term, we will be raising money for a defibrillator to be on our school grounds, which can be used by local residents too. We will be raising money in school but would also be very grateful for any donations.


A defibrillator is easy to use.  You telephone 999, they give you an access number to unlock the cabinet and the defibrillator then tells you what simple steps to follow until the emergency services arrive.   


We would be very grateful for any donations to help with our fundraising for the installation and on-going maintenance costs. The cost of installation is £1850.  We have already raised £1070.  Annual maintenance costs of £126 will need to be met by school fundraising and further donations on our fundraising site.   


Donations towards initial installation or annual maintenance can be made online at: or we have a collection box in the school office.   


Many thanks for your support,


Carnarvon Primary School's School Council


Red Nose Day 2017


For Red Nose Day, we held a 'bake off' with the Eco Council as well as a 'bring a teddy' day. The teddy could also wear something red, which matched what we were wearing. We raised a fantastic £692.30! The cakes which we entered were brilliant! Thank you to everyone for your support!


Car Parking

The School Council have been working with local residents to help to improve the parking around the school grounds. We have written in the newsletter as well as going on a walk around the school gates at the end of the school day with Councillor Hutchinson and a local resident. 


Councillors' 'Coffee and Cake Afternoon'


As part of Parliament Week, the School Councillors met up with Councillors from Rushcliffe Borough and also Bingham Town to discuss both roles and share ideas. There were some really interesting conversations taking place and it was fantastic about Bingham and Carnarvon itself. Both the Mayor of Bingham and the Mayor of Rushcliffe joined us so it was great to see their chains and hear about how they get their role. A big thank you to all of the Councillors who joined us: Cllr Purdue-Horan, Cllr Stockwood, Cllr Hull, Cllr Shelton and Cllr Davidson.


County Hall


The School Council had a wonderful time during Parliament Week visiting County Hall in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire. The transport and lunch was kindly provided by Councillor Francis Pudue-Horan. The children had a tour of the building, accompanied by the Chairman of Nottinghamshire, Yvonne Woodhead. They then entered the Council Chambers, where they had the opportunity to ask both Councillor Purdue-Horan and the Chairman lots of questions about their role.

Remembrance Day


On Tuesday 8th November, the School Council accompanied the British Legion and Robert Miles Junior School to Bingham Cemetery to lay crosses on the graves of soldiers who died in the World Wars. 





For Harvest this year, the School Council raised money for 'Mary's Meals' which is a charity that raises money to pay for children in deprived areas around the world's school dinner. We held a non-uniform day where we all had to wear an item of blue (the charity's colour). We raised a fantastic £427.35 which pays for 35 children's school dinners for a whole year!



Macmillan Coffee Afternoon


The School Council organised a coffee and cake afternoon for the Foundation children's parents to raise money for Macmillan on Friday 7th October 2016. Thank you to everyone who came to make it a big success... we raised a fantastic £65.96!



Sports Relief 2016


The School Council planned a sports day to raise money for Sports Relief. The children also wore non-uniform to raise money too! Each class organised a sporting activity to hold at some point during the day. We raised a whopping £418.16! Thank you for everyone's support and well done to the School Council for organising such a successful event!

Christmas Fair 2015


The School Councillors held their own stall selling 'loom band' decorations and bracelets at the School Christmas Fair this year! A big well done to everyone who helped!                                                     

Audio Magazine

There is an audio magazine called 'The Bingham and District Magazine', which is listened to by a variety of people ranging from blind people through to the elderly and house bound. The School Council were invited to talk on the Christmas edition about traditions that they had in their own homes. The article went down a hit with the listeners!


Children in Need 2015


The School Council organised a 'Design a Pudsey' Competition, non-uniform day and a cake sale, where they sold cakes at break time for Children in Need.


It was a fantastic group effort and they raised hundreds of pounds for this brilliant cause! Well done everyone and thank you to everyone who donated money.


The School Councillors chose two winners from KS2 and two winners from KS1/Foundation, who each received a book and a certificate. Here are the winners from the 'Design a Pudsey' Competition:


Jonas Abbey, Marissa Davies, Jessica Alcock and Leo Price


Visiting Local World War I and II Graves



The School Councillors walked up to the local cemetery to lay poppies on the graves of local veterans with the British Legion in Bingham. They learnt about the soldiers: what had happened to them and what war they fought in.




VE Day Celebrations



The School Council walked to The Buttercross in Bingham Market Place to attend The British Legion's celebrations to commemorate 70 years since VE Day. The Councillors spoke to veterans who have fought in wars.




County Hall



The School Councillors accompanied our local councillor, Martin Suthers, on a trip to County Hall in West Bridgford to meet the Chairman of Nottinghamshire.


They visited the Council Chambers and learnt what it's like to be on a real council! They also signed the visitors' book which the Queen has signed too!





Welcome to Carnarvon Primary School's website. Any information about events taking place can be found on the calendar under 'Parents' tab. Thank you.