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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

Busy Litter Picking Patrols

Our Litter Picking Patrols joined our Eco Councillors to present an Eco Awareness Assembly on Friday 17 March 2017.  Year 4 Litter Pickers designed the powerpoint presentation and produced live videos from out on the job!  The Year 5 patrol took part in a role play to show the children which bins are to be used for non recyclable and recyclable waste and to show them the amount of litter collected from the school site over a 2 week period.  Well done Litter Pickers, a fantastic job.

Litter Picking Assembly - Friday 17 December 2017

Our Year 4 and Year 5 Litter Picking Patrols have been out in force during lunchtimes since September.  They scour the playgrounds, Copse and fields for any litter!  They are an amazing bunch of conscientious children who always keep smiling regardless of the weather. 
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