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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

What we have been up to...

Half Term 


Half Term

Week commencing 29th January 2024

Year 1 have had an exciting week, designing and making our own taxis. The children thought carefully about their designs and what materials they could use to build their taxi. Thank you for all the smoothie boxes that were sent in! We have also been spending lots of time reading books based on our topic ‘weather’ and sharing a smartboard story each day.

Week commencing 22nd January 2024

A week about weather this week! Year one had a great afternoon presenting their own weather forecasts, the children were brilliant. We also discussed the different types of weather and looked at how the weather changed throughout the week. For our writing this week we looked at using bossy words in our writing, which we then used to write instructions on how to make a sandwich.

Week commencing 15th January 2024

This week we have continued to look at animals in the artic and worked really hard to create a story using connectives to make our sentences longer, great stuff Year 1! Also, in science we started our topic all about the seasons. Looking at the differences between them and went for a walk around school to look at the changes that happen to trees in winter, in particular looking at differences between deciduous and evergreen trees. We continued our learning about the Jewish celebration Purim, talking about the gifts people give when celebrating Purim and what gifts we would give to someone.

Week commencing 8th January 2024

A great start to our new term in Year 1, it has been lovely to hear about what everyone got up to over the Christmas break. To start off our new term we are looking at all things Artic! This week the children worked as a team to create their own igloo for our Rainbow Bear, fantastic team work by everyone! The children also looked at some of the animals that live in the Artic and created some lovely writing describing those animals too. In R.E we started to learn about Purim within the Jewish faith and created our own graggers to retell the story about Queen Esther.

Half Term

Week commencing 11th December 2023 & 18th December 2023  

Year 1 are getting very excited about the upcoming festive celebrations which has been lovely to see and they are looking forward to presenting our Sparkle and Shine Show. We looked at a settlement and went on to design our own, thinking about what we could include, the children we great at this! Year 1 have continued their learning about primary and secondary colours, enjoying mixing and creating colours too. Everyone had a great morning at the panto, it even snowed! A fantastic half term, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

Week commencing 6th December 2023
This week in art Year 1 have been learning about primary and enjoyed mixing them to create a secondary colour. We have also learnt more about maps and looking in depth at countries in the United Kingdom.  In R.E we listened to the Nativity story and then retold the story ourselves and had lots of fun on Christmas jumper day. Another great week Year 1, well done!


Week commencing 27th November 2023
What a great week Year 1 have had, we enjoyed learning about Bingham and took a walk to the library. Also, we learnt about maps and talking about direction, learning our left and right. We have started our book advent adventure, thank you so much for sending in all of your lovely books, we are excited to read them!

Week commencing 22nd November 2023
A great introduction to our new topic ‘owls’ this week, we have been using adjectives to describe an owl and creating some lovely drawings. We also had lots of fun dancing in P.E too. In our phonics everyone has been working extremely hard at practising our common exception words, keep on working hard Year 1!

Week commencing 13th November 2023
Year 1 have been exploring our senses this week by going on senses walk, guessing the smell and experiencing have one of our senses taken away, which was tricky! We have also had fun creating firework pictures both on the laptops and using paint. We had a visit from Perform drama which everyone really enjoyed. Also, in maths we have been learning our number bonds which we are getting more confident with, well done Year 1!

Week commencing 6th November 2023
We have enjoyed seeing all the children after our half term break and hearing about what everyone has been up to. During our first week back, we have been practising our number bonds to 10 in maths. We have also worked together to label body parts, great teamwork by all. In ICT we have really enjoyed creating our own Funnybones pictures, practising our mousepad skills. Year 1 have also started a new topic in R.E learning all about Diwali and creating diva lamps.

Half Term

Week commencing 16th October 2023
Year 1 have been doing activities based on the story The Three Little Pigs. We created pictures of the 3 pigs and the wolf using a printing method and then added the details afterwards using pens. Also, in science this week, we discussed the properties of a range of materials and then made bunting to test if our predictions were correct.

Week commencing 9th October 2023
This week has been very exciting in Year 1! We have designed a shelter, thinking about the materials that we could use, we then created our shelters in The Copse following our plans. We managed to avoid the rain too! In RE we listened to the story of Jesus and the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, discussing the importance of sharing with one another. We collaged our own fish in our activity after the story to represent the fish in the bible story.

Week commencing 2nd October 2023
Year 1 have been learning in more depth about the different materials and where they come from. We have also enjoyed using our laptops to sort toys from today and toys from the past, we are becoming more confident with our click and drag technique. Also, on a Tuesday we have music with Mrs Cowling which is lots of fun!

Week commencing 25th September 2023
Year 1 have been busy this week going on an adventure to find different types of materials and we were talking about the differences between them. We also worked as a team to create a timeline of significant events in history.

Week commencing 18th September 2023

This week in Year 1 we have been writing our own autobiographies and making faces with a range of different media. We have also been busy on the laptops practising our drag and drop skills to create a picture of a house. Also, in PSHE we discussed the importance of listening to others and created our own listening ears which was great fun!

Week commencing 12th September 2023

Everyone has made a brilliant start to Year 1. We have been enjoying exploring our new classrooms and getting to know our new teachers. Well done to everyone!

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