Welcome to our Eco Schools web page. Carnarvon is proud to be an eco friendly school both inside our classrooms and outside using our beautiful grounds. Our Eco Council meets regularly to plan activities and undertake projects to educate the children here at school. We have also agreed our Eco School Motto: An Eco Way to Save the Day and regularly review our Action Planning to agree new strategies and targets.
Through the weekly newsletter you will receive regular updates on our progress and new initiatives which you may be able to support us with. The Eco Schools programme covers nine areas: School Grounds, Biodiversity, Global Citizenship, Energy, Water, Waste, Litter, Transport and Healthy Living. Schools entering the programme gain a Bronze, Silver and, ultimately, a Green Flag award through an assessment process. The Assessor looks to see work in all 9 areas throughout the school including integration into the curriculum.
We work hard on our outdoor learning environments to create colourful, exciting and interesting areas that provide habitats for wildlife and where we can grow our own fruit and vegetables. It's also lots of fun!
During December 2015 we passed our third re-assessment and were awarded our Eco Schools 'Green Flag' for another two years.
On this page you can find photographs, information and see slideshows of what we do.