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Carnarvon Primary School

Work hard, be kind

Carnarvon Primary School

Our Curriculum

Carnarvon Curriculum Intent

At Carnarvon Primary School, we are privileged to be involved at the start of our children’s learning journey and we influence and shape their attitudes to learning from the start. We are passionate about promoting and instilling a curiosity and love for learning through an inspiring and challenging curriculum; preparing children to become lifelong learners with excellent life choices. Our motto of ‘Work hard, be kind’ is felt in everything we do.

The intent of our Curriculum is to:

  • Ensure children are fluent in Reading, Writing and Maths and are exposed to a rich vocabulary.

Our core purpose is to ensure that our children are fluent in Reading, Writing and Maths as these provide the gateway to future learning. In the Early Years and KS1 we offer explicit and systematic teaching of phonics to ensure children can decode speedily and accurately and segment to spell. This is taught alongside a literature-rich environment, using texts across the curriculum as well as explicitly teaching and modelling ambitious vocabulary.

  • Develop confident, caring children with positive attitudes to learning.

Children will actively be taught how they can develop resilience, determination, self-motivation and willingness to learn as well as the ability to reflect on their own learning. We will teach the children to value themselves and others through our PSHE and RE curricula and British values themes.

  • Offer an ambitious, knowledge rich curriculum that ensures a fast-paced progression across and between each year.

We believe that a knowledge and skills should be taught so our children have the ability to be successful in an ever-changing world. We will design sequences of lessons that allow children to build on prior knowledge, make links to other subjects and see how new pieces of knowledge fit into a bigger picture. We will ensure that children know what they need to learn and how they can improve, giving opportunities for daily review for effective recall.

  • Ensure that children are offered opportunities to develop fluency, problem-solving and reasoning to ensure that knowledge is transferred to long-term memory.

Children will be taught sequences of lessons that ensure that knowledge is gained in small steps, with opportunities for review and independent practice and that cognitive overload is avoided.

  • Be creative and flexible, responding to the children’s interests and needs including first-hand, meaningful experiences that engage them in their own learning.

Our curriculum will not be static, but will respond to the needs of each cohort to ensure that the education the children receive allows them to be challenged and make the best possible progress.

  • Be accessible for all children regardless of their background, needs or abilities.

Teachers will respond to the individual needs of all our children and make any necessary adaptations to ensure all children are secure in the next steps of their learning.

Our curriculum is based on Cornerstones' Curriculum 22. It is a broad and balanced, knowledge-rich curriculum with its content delivered through a range of subject-specific projects, which last either a full, or half-term. These projects cover art and design, design and technology, geography, history, science, and RE.


Maths is delivered through projects from the White Rose Maths Scheme, and English is supported by a range of English packs.


Computing, PE, PSHE, and Music are delivered through alternative specialist schemes.


If you require any further information about the curriculum, please contact school.

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