Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to our Year 1 Web Pages. We're excited for our Autumn term and have lots of exciting learning ahead of us. Here is what we will be learning about this term:
- Our main theme this term is ‘Childhood’. This is a history-based topic and we will be learning all about ourselves, including learning about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood from the 1950s. You can read more information about this topic on the knowledge organiser below.
- In Maths we will be consolidating our learning on place value, including knowing one more and one less than a number. We will then move on to simple addition and subtraction.
- In Science we will be learning about everyday materials and the human senses.
- Our Art will be based upon drawing faces and making funny collages.
Things you can help with at home:
- Practising reading and enjoying talking about books and other kinds of text.
- Telling and sharing stories.
- Letter and number formation - It is crucial that the children are starting their letters in the right place. Please see document above on letter formation.
- Practising phoneme cards.
- Cutting skills and any fine motor-skills.
New Reading Books ...
Oxford Reading Owl has some e books that you can access for your children to read new material at their current reading level.
You do have to sign up but is free and you will be able to access new e books. Of course this is not the same as holding a real book but it is another way to engage your child in reading. We hope this link is of use to you. Remember you are looking for "ebooks."
Also there's a whole range of stories for children to listen to for free on: