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Carnarvon Primary School

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Carnarvon Primary School


Have a look at some fantastic resources to help with the computing curriculum.


Scratch 3.0 is here! Code your own stories, games, and animations then share them with a community of millions around the world. Try it!

BBC Learning - What Is The Internet

Rumpus Animation created 5 films for BBC Learning to help explain computers to 5 -7 year olds

BBC Learning - Using Computers At Work

Rumpus Animation created 5 films for BBC Learning to help explain computers to 5 - 7 year olds.

BBC Learning - What Is Coding

Rumpus Animation created 5 films for BBC Learning to help explain computers to 5 - 7 year olds

BBC Learning - What Is An Algorithm

Rumpus Animation created 5 films for BBC Learning to help explain computers to 5 - 7 year olds.

BBC Learning - What Are Computer Bugs

Rumpus Animation created 5 films for BBC Learning to help explain computers to 5 - 7 year olds.

Coding for Kids 1: What is Computer Coding?

We are surrounded by computer programs, but what are they? Learn what computer coding or computer programming is and why it's important.

Coding for Kids 2: How Computer Programs Work.

Computers might seem very smart, but are they really? Watch this video to learn how coding or computer programming works.

Coding for Kids 3: Think Like a Computer

For successful computer programming or coding, you need to learn to think like a computer. It's much trickier than you'd imagine! Watch this video to learn how to do it.

What is Scratch?

With Scratch (, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations - and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively - essential skills for life in the 21st century.

Computer Coding Games for Kids: Introducing Scratch

Ever wanted to learn how to make a computer game? This video introduces Scratch, a programming language, that's easy to learn and use. Have fun creating games and playing them with your friends!

Computer Coding Games for Kids: Types of Game

Computer games come in all shapes and sizes, but most fit into a few main categories or genres. Watch this video to learn the main traits of each one. What are your favourite genres?

Computer Coding Games for Kids: What Makes a Good Game?

What are the ingredients of a good game? Is it the characters, the environments, or maybe the controls? If you're learning to code games, watch this video to learn how to make your games great!

Scratch 2.0 Overview Video

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy to create interactive art, stories, simulations, and games -- and share those creations online. Imagine, program, and share at Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab. Music: "And It Spread" by The Avett Brothers

6 Tips for Coding Projects in Scratch

Learn to code your own games using Scratch, a popular free progamming language. If you've started building your own projects, or are about to begin, take a look at DK's top 6 tips for coding projects in Scratch!

"The Secret Rules of Modern Living Algorithms" - Documentary.

The Secret Rules of Modern Living: Algorithms. In this fantastic documentary, mathematics professor Marcus Du Sautoy reveals the hidden world of algorithms and how these 2,000-year-old problem solvers work. Well worth a look if you want to find out about algorithms; fascinating stuff.

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